Available from 4 pm

Fine crusted Roman style pizza

  • Ciaccia al Rosmarino: $18

    EVO, rosemary, Hauraki’ salt

  • Marinara: $20

    Garlic, oregano, tomato salsa, EVO

  • Margherita: $25

    Tomato salsa, fiordilatte mozzarella, fresh basil

  • Romana: $27

    Sicilian anchovies, mozzarella, capers, oregano

  • Prosciutto & Funghi: $29

    Oven roasted mushroom, ham, tomato salsa, mozzarella

  • Capricciosa: $30

    Roasted artichokes, mushrooms, black olives, ham, tomato salsa & mozzarella

  • Piccante: $28

    Spicy salame, tomato salsa & mozzarella

  • Gustosa: $30

    Gorgonzola cheese, mushroom, artichokes, tomato salsa, chilli & garlic pesto

  • Zozzona: $30

    Spicy salame, gorgonzola cheese, cherries tomatoes, oregano

  • 4 Formaggi: $32

    Gorgonzola, emmental, parmesan, mozzarella, tomato salsa

  • Porco: $32

    Burrata, crumbed pork sausage, cherry tomatoes

  • Bufala: $34

    Clevedon buffalo mozzarella, EVO, tomato salsa, fresh basil

  • Rustica $30

    Grilled aubergine, zucchini, capsicum, cherry tomatoes, tomato salsa, mozzarella

  • Vedova Nera: $30

    Aubergine, spicy salame, anchovies, black olives, red onion, mozzarella and fresh tomato salsa

  • Summer: $32

    Zucchini, prawns, cherry tomatoes, mozzarella, garlic & parsley pesto

  • Calzone: $32

    Crumbed sausage, mushroom and gorgonzola cheese

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