available 11pm - 3pm

Salads & side dishes

  • Burrata Caprese $21

    burrata cheese, heirloom tomatoes, basil

  • Almond & Prawns Salad $22

    steamed prawns, mesclun, rocket, roasted almonds, cherry tomatoes, cocktail dressing

  • Chicken Salad $21

    confit roasted chicken, mesclun, tomatoes, carrots, cucumber, croutons, parmesan, honey mustard

  • Baby Gem Lettuce $12

    white anchovies, vinegar, parmesan

  • Duck Fat Potatoes $10

    butter, sage

  • Seasonal Greens $10

    paprika, parmesan, Evo

Pasta fresca & Secondi

  • Spaghetto Saporito $25

    chilli, garlic, leeks, aromatic bread crumbs

  • Fusilla ai Porcini $32

    wild mushroom ragu, pork sausage, stracciatella cheese

  • Tagliatelle al Ragu alla Bolognase $29

    Original D.O.C recipe

  • Crespelle Ricotta & Spinaci $29

    thin Italian-style savoury pancakes, spinach, ricotta chees

  • Gnocchi alla Sorrentina $28

    oven baked in tomato sauce, mozzarella, parmesan

  • Granny’s Spezzatino $27

    slow cooked beef stew, roasted capsicum, potatoes, homemade bread

  • Eye Fillet $32

    150g sliced fillet, saffron mash, seasonal veg, blueberry balsamic glaze

  • Saltimbocca $32

    chicken cutlets, prosciutto, white wine sauce, sage

  • Catch of the Day $34

    ask your waiter for today’s option

  • Aubergine $32

    oven baked eggplant, beetroot puree, sun dried tomatoes, salsa verde

Fresh pastries, pizza slices, sandwiches & more available every day.

Come and have a look at our cabinet!

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